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As restrictions due to the Co-vid pandemic have lifted we continue to carefully follow current Government  and Church in Wales guidelines at Ty Santes Fair.

  God Bless all.


MONDAY                                                      DYDD MAWRTH                                           

 10:00am - Men's group 

   2:00pm - Gorffwysfa Newydd 

  6:30pm  - Yoga (full)


TUESDAY                                                      DYDD MAWRTH                                           

 10:00am - Drop-in cafe and lunch club            Caffi Rhyd                                                  

  2:00pm - Mthly Mother's Union-2nd.Tuesday  Undeb Y Mamau (misol)

  6:00pm - TSF Community choir                     Cor Cymunedol TSF


WEDNESDAY                                                DYDD MERCHER 

 1:30pm  - Community Craft club                   Grwp Celf              

 6:00pm  - Exercise class

 7:00pm  - Pilates


THURSDAY                                           DYDD MERCHER

10:00am -  Cafe - Welsh for all encouraged     Cafe Cymraeg 

                (Welsh conversation aid for learners)    

12:30pm  -  Bowls                                         Clwb bowlio/Caffi Rhydd

 5:00pm  -  Slimming World                           Slimming World                            


FRIDAY                                                        DYDD GWENER

  8:30am - Slimming World

10:30am - TSF ladies (activities, trips, advice and chat-Wellbeing)  

 6:30pm  - Monthly 'Teulu Duw' community  group 1st Friday           

 7:00pm  - Monthly fourth Friday Skewen Historical Society


SATURDAY                                                   DYDD SADWRN

  9:00am Churches Together (usually 1st Saturday MONTHLY)

10:30am St. John's coffee morning 2nd Saturday

10:00am Gorfwysffa Newydd coffee morning (last Saturday MONTHLY)

  3:00pm Messy Church   (Usually 3rd Saturday MONTHLY) Llan Llanast (Misol)



SUNDAY                                                        DYDD SUL

3:00pm  Gorffwysfa newydd service                

5:00pm  Cafe church service                       Hwyrol Weddi





We continue our emergency 'Food Cupboard' from Ty Santes Fair

working closely with the NPT co-ordinator and with the Salvation Army


We accept donations.


We do appreciate the donations we have received from individuals, local churches/chapels, businesses and groups.


Thank you one and all 

each gift makes a difference to some-one in need


 "God’s blessing to all."

  Vicar Chris.

    (Rev'd. C. W. Coles) 

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